see ESN Zürich Office for information about our office.


When Sun 24. December 2023 
Spending Christmas together with exchange students 

Hey there!

Are you alone in Zurich and far away from your family at Christmas? Would you like to cook and celebrate Christmas in the spirit of togetherness with exchange students on the 24th or 25th of December? 

Then join a small group (4-5 people) of exchange students and celebrate Christams and cook together at someone's place!
Fill out this form and we'll link you together through telegram and you can arrange yourself.

If you are a group already but would like to invite a few others, you can fill out this form.
Last possible answer is on the 22nd of December.
No one will be alone at Christmas!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Your ESN Zürich Team
Max. Participantsno limit -> Registration is not necessary.
Entrance / Fee
without ESN card: CHF 0.00
with ESN card: CHF 0.00
Coordinator(s) Lorin Semela - Joël Lingg 
Event list